Node count
- Central Park festival 1969 (press)
- Carnegie Hall 1969 review - press (Schenectady Gazette)
- Knebworth (8/79) Iceland press
- Pontiac 1977 review 'LZ draws record...' (DN / 5-2-77)
- Pontiac 1977 - 'Tix On sale tomorrow' (DN 3-21-77)
- Dec. 1969 - 'Led Zeepplin' (Japan press)
- Boston 1973 review (Herald)
- Vancouver 1973 review (Page Pilots High Flying Zeppelin)
- Vancouver 1972 (Concert Bid Turned Down) 6-9-72
- Detroit 1975 review 'Zeppelin Soars with neon rock' (DN)
- LZ Lands Today - Vancouver (8-18-71)
- Philadelphia 1970 review
- LZ I review (Lobo 2-27-69)
- Led Zeppelin II review (LA Free Press 11/69)
- Rotterdam - Amsterdam press (Oct. 7, 1969)
- Amsterdam (Concertgebouw) 1969 review
- JP Quote on American Audiences (4/10/69)
- Led Zep Zaps Its Critics (1972) Newcastle
- 'Why Zeppelin Keep Zipping Along' (RP Interview 2/70)
- 'A Zeppelin Hits City Hall' - Sheffield 1970 review (The Star)
- Zep Zap Germans (Record Mirror 7/70) John Bonham
- JP Interview 2-70 (Record Mirror)
- Birmingham 1970 review - Wild Scenes at LZ B'Ham Concert
- Savoy Hotel 12-11-69 - Gold - Platinum LZ Awards
- Birmingham 1970 review 'Giving Out That Old Group Therapy' (Observer)
- LA 5-31-73 review (Phonograph)
- Houston 1977 tonight (sold out)
- Chicago 4-6-77 review / JP Interview
- Dallas rehearsals (March 1977)
- LZ Here For Two Shows (San Diego 1975)
- Houston 1975 - listing
- LZ Climbs Before Its 1st LP - JP Interview (G&M - Ritchie Yorke 1-11-69)